Postcard from Malvine Husserl written 23.11.1933
Freiburg i.Br., 23.11.33
D[ear] M[ister] I[ngarden ], yesterday, my husband received a reply from Professor Hicks of Cambridge, and I wanted to let you know immediately what he wrote regarding you:
“I am much interested in what you tell of R[oman ] I[ngarden]’s forthcoming work on “Berkeley and the Problem of Idealism.” I will, of course, help in any way I can in the effort to secure for his work an English publisher. It is, unfortunately, not easy nowadays to induce publishers to undertake bringing out a work at their own risk. Unless the author be a man of world-wide reputation, they generally ask for a certain sum to be paid down, in order to protect them from loss. But if P[hilip] Leon makes application to some specific term, I will do my best to recommend them to publish the book. It is not necessary that I should see first the manuscript, I know sufficient of his already published work to be sure that this book of his will be a real contribution to the subject. Some years ago, for example, I read with much appreciation his essay on “Essential Questions” in the 7th volume of the Yearbook.”
You will be glad to see with which appreciation Professor Hicks speaks of you and how helpful he is in the currently difficult situation. Hard times! You should now arrange the necessary steps with your translator.
We are doing moderately well, but the sunshine is missing in our lives. By the way, m[y] h[usband] received a call from the University of California at Los Angeles.
Unfortunately, it is so far away!
Best regards to you and your dear wife.
Yours, M[alvine] H[usserl]