Postcard from Wacław Borowy written 16.02.1922
16.II.’22 Dear Sir! I have received the manuscript. I do not know yet when I will be able to read it because had just recently had a week-long influenza and I have many obligations to deal with, but I will try to make it happen soon. I will also give it to Kołaczkowski to read and I will try to find out the details of his correspondence with Scheler. The Warsaw Review normally provides 10 copies to the author; for a greater amount the costs are deducted from the royalties, but there is generally no major problems with it. For now, I do not need the article on Scheler yet. If necessary, I will write to you in an urgent mode; for the time being it can stay with you, as you have expressed you would like.
n My cordial greetings W.Borowy
Roman Ingarden, PhD
Mickiewicza St. 115