
Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 23.12.1931

In Lviv, 23/12/1931     Most Honourable Professor! First of all, please accept our most cordial thanks […]

Letter from Władysław Witwicki written 05.04.1923

Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 19.09.1960

Rkp 1529 Cracow, 19/9/1960 Dear Władysław, I’m guessing that you’re already in Warsaw. We arrived in Cracow yesterday. […]

Letter from Władysław Witwicki written 30.09.1923

Letter from Zofia Lissa written 01.06.1959

The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive team informs that activities carried out within its operations framework has lead them to the present works, but cannot publish them here yet because of outstanding legal matters.

Letter from Irena Krońska written in 22.10.1960


Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 07.09.1936

7.IX 1936 Honoured and Dear Professor, Although those who leave normally write first, “I draw these few words”, because I […]

Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 18.07.1920

July 18, 20, Freiburg Dear Doctor, I just received your letter. The manuscript of the Bergson paper also arrived […]

Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 12.12.1966

Warsaw Chocimska 35 12.12.1966 Dear Roman, I’ve just received your letter of the 8th of this month; I’d expected […]

Letter from Stefan Szuman written 18.07.nd

Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 27.06.1969

Rkp 1529 124 Cracow, 27 June 1969   Dear Władysław, I found out only yesterday that you’d already […]

Letter to the Polish Academy of Science written 22.09.1964

Prof. Roman Ingarden, Krakow, Biskupia 14 c c Krakow, September 22, 1964 tel. 36547 The matter of travelling to the GFR […]



The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive team is seeking people, who are inheritors of the correspondants of Roman Witold Ingarden, and requesting that they contact the team in terms of access to archival materials and the regulation of legal matters concerning copyright. Please contact the team by email: ingarden.archive@uj.edu.pl or by calling 0048 694 963 587 or 0048 694 640 018.