Contract with the National Scientific Publishers written 10.12.1954
C O N T R A C T 25/L.C.P.
The following contract regarding the acceptance of editorial duties for the work specified below published by the National Scientific Publishers PWN was concluded on December 17, 1954, between the National Scientific Publishers PWN in Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 79, hereinafter referred to as the “Publisher”, and prof. Roman Ingarden, PhD, residing in Krakow, Biskupia St. 14, hereinafter referred to as the “Editor”.
§ 1.
Prof. Roman Ingarden, PhD, shall assume the duties of editor for Condillac’s work entitled “Treatise on the Sensations” in the translation of Wanda Wojciechowska. The volume of the work amounts to about 12 publishing sheets.
§ 2.
The editor’s duties include:
Stylistic and substantive editing with regards to loyalty and terminological correctness.
§ 3.
The deadline for performing the aforementioned task shall be set on March 1, 1955.
§ 4.
As a remuneration, the publisher shall pay the editor PLN 450 per author’s sheet. With regards to advance payment, the publisher shall pay the editor:
25% as the first advance payment within 14 days of signing the contract, and upon submission of subsequent parts of the work, up to 100% of the set remuneration amount.
§ 5.
The editor shall receives 1 copy of the aforementioned work free of charge for personal use.
§ 6.
This contract has been drawn up and signed in two identical copies, and each party has received one copy.
E d i t o r v National Scientific Publishers PWN
[signature] v v [signature]