Letter from Bogdan Suchodolski written in 20.10.1945
Warsaw 20/10/1945
Dear Roman,
I cordially thank you for taking care of my books, and will be very grateful to you for bringing the matter to a happy conclusion. Mr Marczyński is creating difficulties despite my oral agreement with him and with Docent Pociecha. When I was in Cracow in June I established that the books would be released on the basis of a submitted certificate, signed by Prof. Łempicki, your son, and finally by you yourself. This certificate sufficiently legitimises my ownership of all books and cabinets. The issue may only concern Prof. Czekanowski’s books, which arrived with mine, but Prof. C. – as he told me – placed his in another corner of the room (in any case, they were stored separately from the beginning). I’m writing at the same time to Mr Marczyński – as you wished – but I think that your words will carry greater weight, since your son has expedited this whole thing. Sorting out related books and making lists is obviously senseless, since the books arrived without a list; it borders on harassment. As for the unloading of books, there’s always someone there. In any case, probably the driver, in return for payment and vodka, won’t be so lazy. If you’d be so gracious, please use my fee to cover all costs in Cracow.
v As for my dissertation, the payment to the typist is from my fee – of course – I’m not very happy about it; let the translator tire himself out a bit. If possible, give me his address; it’ll be easier for me to communicate with him than the other way round, because I live quite far from the centre, and I’m there in the evenings only.
v Concerning your issue, I asked in the Ministry: I was told that it’d be settled without a doubt; the delay occurred because they wanted to wait for the new budget, so as to settle all nominations and arrangements together. Don’t worry about it – this has to take some time. I’m in a similar situation: my Warsaw nomination hasn’t been formally settled, even though the Rectorate has already written a great deal regarding this matter and I have well-wishers in the Ministry. But it’s still ‘being settled’.
Cordial greetings