Application for the appointment as associate professor written 04.03.1933
Department of Humanities
Jan Kazimierz University C C In Lviv, 4 March 1933
No. 157.
Subject: Appointment of Dr Roman
INGARDEN as associate professor of philosophy.
C C C C in Warsaw.
C C The dean hereby submits the unanimously adopted motion of the Council of the Faculty of Humanities of the U.J.K. [Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza; Jan Kazimierz University] of 22 February 1933 § 7 for the appointment of docent Dr Roman INGARDEN as associate professor of philosophy. The Council of the Humanities Department had already, on 11 February 1931, no. 1920, resolved to submit a proposal for the appointment of Dr Ingarden, then renewed the proposal via the resolution of 31 May 1932 no. 416/32.
C C Dr Ingarden works in very difficult conditions, fulfilling the duties of a middle school teacher and a docent; it is noted that he is the father of a family and possesses no private property. Despite this, Dr Ingarden’s academic achievements in recent years, as proved by the list of papers he has submitted to the Council, have been growing conspicuously and have earned him the well-deserved reputation of an eminent scholar.
Dean W. H. Podlacha
3 encl.: 1. extract from the protocol of the
meeting of the Council of the Dept. of Hum. of 22/2/1933 § 7.
2. list of papers and reviews pp. 1–31.
3. one printed paper.