Letter from Felix Kaufmann written 05.12.1934
Dr. Felix Kaufmann
Vienna, XIX.
Doblinger Hauptstrasse 90 Vienna, December 5, 1934
n Professor Roman Ingarden
n Lwów.
Dear Mr. Ingarden,
n n n First, let me thank you for sending me your particularly beautiful and interesting work entitled “On the Formal Structure of the Individual Object”. It is a true and increasingly rare pleasure to be able to study new philosophical publications of such superb quality.
n n n n Hopefully, I will soon have an opportunity to converse with you about the various issues discussed in the article which are particularly important to me. I would write about it in more detail if I weren’t in the final phase of completing my book, since it is pushing me to the edge of my productivity.
n n n n It is precisely for that reason that I had to postpone reading your work, “The Literary Work of Art”. When I began reading the book right after I received it, I realized that studying this work requires complete concentration and I would be unable to commit to this level of focus while I am working on my own book (in addition to my professional duties). Therefore, I decided to postpone reading the rest of the book for a couple of months so I can fully dedicate myself to it. Even though I have been working nonstop on my “Methodology of Social Sciences” since I returned from Prague, I now realize that I underestimated the amount of time required to finish my work.
n n n n I am hoping that I will be able to get the book to print in about three months.
n n n n Again, I would like to express my gratitude, and I wish you happy holidays and a happy New Year!
With deepest appreciation, yours faithfully,
Felix Kaufmann