
Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 01.03.1933

In Lviv, 1/3/1933



            Most Honourable Professor!

                       I thank you very cordially for the name-day wishes you sent me and for expressing your remembrance of and kindness to me. It was very nice to read these cordial words addressed to me. I also greatly appreciate this new proof of your kindness to me.

                       As to the report[O1]  on my last lecture at the Philosophical Society, I haven’t forgotten it and will start on it immediately once I finish work related to the new edition of my dissertation ‘Bemerkungen zum Problem Idealismus-Realismus’ [Comments on the idealism-realism problem]. At the moment, the only thing left to do is to prepare a clean copy for printing. Therefore I suppose that during March I’ll be able to get to work on the report on the lecture, which – as far as I know – won’t be too late.

                       I enclose expressions of profound esteem and genuine respect

                                                                                                               Roman Ingarden



[O1]Oryg: asprawozdania, chyba sprawozdania