Letter from Felix Kaufmann written 27.04.1935
Dr. Felix Kaufmann
Vienna, XIX.
Doblinger Hauptstrasse 90 n n Vienna, April 27, 1935
n Professor Roman Ingarden
n Lwów.
n n n Dear Mr. Ingarden,
n n n I am unsure whether you are aware that Professor Husserl is planning to arrive in Vienna on May 5 where he might be giving a lecture on May 7. He is planning to stay in Vienna for another two to three days after his lecture. It would be particularly nice if you would be able to come to Vienna during the same time. I would be happy to make the necessary arrangements and find you good and inexpensive accommodations if you decided to come.
n n n I am assuming you heard the good news regarding the possibility of the publication of Husserl’s manuscripts. This temporarily relieves us of having to take the initiative on this matter.
n n n On the other hand, I have regretfully learned that Fink has not been receiving any grants from the German Notgemeinschaft (“Emergency Association”) since the beginning of 1935. Therefore, I am going to take steps when Husserl arrives to perhaps secure funding for him from England.
n My work has been progressing much slower than I expected; however, I finally completed the main part, and this gives me immense joy. I am expecting to be quite busy until this summer, making minor changes, improvements, and adding explanatory notes before sending it to the printer.
n n n n Yours faithfully,
n n n n n Felix Kaufmann