Letter from Henryk Mehlberg written in 26.01.1946
Warsaw – Saska Kępa, 26/1/46
v Most Honoured Professor!
v In connection with my last stay in Cracow, I’d like to inform you about the subsequent course of the personal matters raised at that time. After returning to Warsaw, I communicated by post with Prof. Ajdukiewicz regarding the potential initiation of steps concerning habilitation at the University of Poznań. Subsequently I went there in order to discuss the details and submit the application, which was received and mentioned for the first time at a meeting of the Council of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on the 19th of this month. I’m counting greatly on your participation in the Commission.
v I haven’t yet received any news from Wrocław and therefore have decided in the meantime on the proposal put forward by Prof. Kotarbiński to assume the position of deputy professor of the theory of inductive sciences at the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Łódź. I suppose I’ll be able to start classes there around mid-March, after disposing of my local work commitments. I’m sorry about Wrocław, because it was important to me to be able to work in a ‘Lviv-like’ environment.
v I enclose expressions of due esteem and cordially thank both of you for the kindness shown me
H Mehlberg
I took care of Mr Hering’s matter in December.
Mr Suchodolski, Warsaw – Saska Kępa
ul. Styki 10 apt. 1