Letter from Irena Krońska written in 06.05.1954
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE c Warsaw, May 6, 1954 of the Library of Classics of Philosophy
c at
the State Publishing Institute PIW
L.dz. 188 LCP/54 c c Comrade
c c Professor Roman Ingarden, PhD
c c Krakow – Biskupia 14
c Dear and Honorable Professor,
c I hereby thank you for and confirm the receipt of further galley proofs of Ethics, which I immediately submitted to prof. Kołakowski. According to the schedule I, the proof post typesetting should have reached us on April 27, but so far it has not come and we have just filed a complaint at the printing house. I believe, however, that the delay could be a large one, and hence the completion of the first proof is unfortunately highly urgent.
c Regarding paper we shall contact the Krakow Branch of P.W.N. /dir. Negrey/.
c Those pages from Critique where a lot has been crossed out must absolutely be rewritten.
c The tentative date of the Committee meeting will probably be moved to the last days of May. We will make sure to notify Professor and prof. Tatarkiewicz in advance.
My deepest respect
c and cordial greetings
c c c Krońska Irena
c c c c I Krońska
c c c Secretary
384/FT P.S. Since Ethics has not arrived yet, maybe Professor could inquire about the matter directly at the Krakow branch of PWN. I am a little concerned by this delay. IK