Letter from Kazimierz Twardowski written 29.01.1925
Lviv 29 January 1925.
Honoured Colleague!
As yet I haven’t replied to your letters of 7 and 14 January because I wished to inform you of something more definite. Well, yesterday I finally received overprints of the summary of your paper, 50 of them, to be specific; thus the matter will finally move forward. I’m very happy about this, and as soon as the act leaves the academic Senate and proceeds to the Ministry, I’ll inform you immediately, so that you can, with the help of your personal connections, attempt to obtain a quick final settlement.
Regarding the matter of your trip abroad, which you write about in your letters of the 7th and 14th of this month, I can say only that I am somewhat bound by a promise given to another candidate for a governmental allowance for a trip, nota bene one who has never been abroad, and who’s very much in need of a trip. I’ll take steps for the support of your request, whether in the Faculty or in the Ministry, only after successful settlement of this candidate’s case.
As for the translations you intend to make, I think that it’d be best to publish Polish versions of the dissertations ‘Perception du changement’ [The perception of change], ‘L’intuition philosophique’ [Philosophical intuition], and An Introduction to Metaphysics [The Creative Mind: An Introduction to Metaphysics]; by ‘best’, I mean that the publication of such booklets could best be counted on to succeed at the bookstore.
Thank you very much for undertaking the report on Mysłakowski’s book; I’ll expect this report within the next few weeks.
Please accept expressions of true esteem and cordial greetings
K. Twardowski