Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 21.11.1938
21.XI 1938
Honoured and Dear Professor:
Thank you very much for the card. I fell into a general writer’s block. I work quite a bit and things are generally better (except for finances due to the terrible exploits of the tax office). I’m writing about Carnap again. Soon I will tackle this critical piece, which you mentioned that if it po[ssibly] succeeds, it would go to the “philo[sophical] studies”. I would prefer to know more or less how many of my pages (2 times larger than this one) it could contain. Besides this, I’ve composed a new theatrical piece. I sent everything to “Ruch” journal on time: 1) a summary of the pap[er] from 7/XII 1936 once again, at the invitation of Twardowski himself (if these ladies lost it, it is unpleasant) 2) from the pap[er] dated 27/VI 1938 on monadism. If the first one is not published, it will probably be better not to publish the second one either – that’s what I think. So why did you “immediately” judge me that I was not on time, etc. I am asking all my “friends”, enemies and Mentors (you belong to this last type) in philosophy, for brief remarks about why they consider biological mona[dism] as impossible. I am asking you as well. I am in the process of revising and some transformation of my view (shifting towards non-hypostasis dynamism) and responses to the remarks will be named specifically (oevres posthumes).
ERFB [I enclose words of respect and friendship for you both] F.G. [family greetings] 3W [Your faithful Witkacy].