Letter from Stanisław Urbańczyk written 22.02.1965
L. dz. SN/019/6/65. v v v v v v v v v KRAKOW, February 22, 1965
Honorable Professor,
v I am pleased to inform that it has been decided the next publishing plan of the Science for All Series will include Professor’s work: Issues of aesthetic values.
v The volume of individual numbers of our series has been approved to be 1 author’s sheet /20 pages of typescript/, and only in exceptional cases can it be enlarged to 1 1/2 author’s sheets.
v Please kindly send the typescript in 2 copies to the address of the secretary of the Series director Józef Nędzy, Kraków ul. Sławkowska 17, room 17, as soon as possible. Please also make sure to provide information on any possible illustrations.
Editor of the Department of Humanities
v Of the Science for Everyone Series
v v /Prof. Stanisław Urbańczyk/