
Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 23.03.1958

Toruń, 23 March 1958.

            Dear Roman!

            Ms Helena Mikułowska, who spoke with you in Cracow on behalf of the local branch of the Assoc. of Art Historians, told me yesterday that you are willing to come to Toruń with a lecture for them, and that you might take advantage of the occasion to have a lecture in our Philosophical Soc. as well. I was very happy with this news and I cordially invite you for the lecture as well as to come to our place during your stay in Toruń. We (both societies) will cover the costs jointly. Ms M suggested 15 and 16 April, saying that those dates should be Saturday and Sunday, but something doesn’t line up, because they fall on Tuesday and Wednesday. Accordingly, please give me the exact date and title of the lecture, so that we can prepare the thing together. I am very happy that thanks to this occasion we’ll be able to spend more time together.

            Elzenberg has had a serious accident. He fractured his femur at the hip on a slippery street. He’s in hospital and we’re worried about his condition, because it’s a serious long-term injury; for now he’s holding up well and not surrendering to depression. We take turns visiting him and try to help him with everything.

            I haven’t thanked you yet for your letter of 25/2 with the printed form[O1]  of the Société Francaise d’Esthétique, which will be useful for Phil. Movement, or for your card of the 11th of this month. The Reports issue, with your summary, will be released in the nearest future; it’s already been though proofs. We’ve already discussed other issues in Warsaw. I received the copy of Philosophical Extracts, published by your faculty, that I’d asked you for in my last letter. So I thank you for that.

            I think we’ll see each other again soon in Warsaw, so until that pleasant occasion,

                                                           both of us send both of you cordial greetings




[O1]Lub publication [?]