Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 5/29/1946
Toruń, 29 May 1946
Dear Mr Roman!
Thank you very much for your letter of the 17th and for all the news it contained. The essay ‘O budowie obrazu’ [On the structure of paintings] interested me greatly, and at the same time I’m ordering a copy at the Academy for the Philosophical Seminar.
I am urging Elzenberg’s colleague to finish the article for Studia Philosophica, but he is feeling some inner resistance. Maybe, though, I can convince him to write. I’m worried about the news of Edmund’s illness, but likely by this time he has already recovered. Cordial greetings to both of them. Despite having learned from your letter that Philosophical Movement has not yet been revived, I’m still putting together all the news [O1] that I’ve been accumulating for Movement since the outbreak of the war. I’m most interested in working with the Library of Translations in the Toruń area. Has the publishing programme been established yet? Professor Chmaj has been sentenced to twelve years of hard labour and deported to Russia. His wife returned to Cracow, where she has a large family, but I don’t know her address.
I cordially thank you for the proofs of the reports from the Academy-
Warmest expressions and a cordial handshake
T. Czyżowski[O2]
P.S. Among the posthumous recollections in the Philos. Review, which you mention, is there any reference to Prof. Massonius[O3] ? He died in July of last year. Over the winter [O4] I gave a 10-minute recollection of him on the radio and sent the [broadcast?] text[O5] to Tygodnik Powszechny [The Catholic Weekly] in Cracow with an offer to include it (Massonius was an ardent activist [O6] in the Russian Army). However, I received a negative reply. The ??? from the editors did not [???], so if the Review would like to use it, [???] it is at your disposal.[O7]
[O1]Wersja polska: dopełniam nadal te wszystkie wiadomości. Nie do końca rozumiem słowa dopełniam w tym kontekście – normalnie to complement ale tutaj nie ma sensu
[O2]Czeżowski – błąd w wersji polskiej?
[O3]Prof. Marian Massonius (II/1862-VII/1945)
[O4]polska wersja: w ziemie, ale chyba powinna być w zimie
[O5]Może transcript of the broadcast [?]
[O6]nie rozumiem sensu tego zdanie – ponoć Massonius był antykomunistą
[O7]Myślę, że pierwsze słowo w zdaniu polskim jest Rękopisu, ale trzeba mieć słowa w miejscu [???] Może: The editors did not retain the manuscript, so if the Review would like to use it, it is at your disposal.