Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 23.04.1948
My dear esteemed colleague.
Not only Haraszek but also Teo. Kotarbiński has expressed his willingness to come to the inauguration of the Philosophical Commission; the resulting conclusion is that it’s necessary to send out invitations to all existing out-of-town associates, and as soon as possible. Kotarbiński especially requested an invitation citing the hour. Given that I’ll only arrive in Cracow a week from now, I’m permitting myself to direct this proposal in writing: do you consider it appropriate? Surely you do?
Meanwhile, I attach a cordial handshake
P.S. If you accept this suggestion, perhaps you wouldn’t mind also checking the addresses of the commission’s collaborators in the Polish Academy of Learning, because they may still have them from before the war! Meanwhile, anything to Haraszek has to be sent to Lublin (Univ. MCS [Marie Curie-Skłodowska University]), to Kotarbiński to Łódź (Uniwersytecka 3), and to Wąsik to Łódź as well (also Uniwersytecka 3), etc.