Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 04.10.1962
Warsaw Chocimska 35
tel. 25-20-80
4 Oct. 1962
Dear Roman. A few days ago, I returned to Warsaw and was about to write to you, expressing my readiness to come to Cracow, when I received a phone call from Wrocław from Gałecki, specifically suggesting the period between the 15th and 27th of this month. I’ve spoken to Ossowski, who’s also expected to take part in the habilitation process: he suggests 23 or 24 October. I’m prepared to go along with those dates. Please be so gracious as to choose one of those days and inform me of your choice; if you don’t mind, please also notify Gałecki in Wrocław (not knowing what you’ll decide, I haven’t notified him).
I know from talking to Gałecki over the phone that I won’t be needed for Ms Makota’s doctorate. If anyone in Cracow still needs me (Fr Tischner?), it might be good to arrange it now for October, because I don’t know when I’ll get to Cracow after that.
It might also be good if you wouldn’t mind booking a hotel room for Ossowski and me, preferably in Polish Hotel. Having finally made it to Cracow after so many months, I’ll surely stay for a few days.
The trip went well. I was in the U. States a few days short of half a year; I saw a lot and made ample use of the libraries. Afterwards I stopped in Venice ‒ on account of the Library of St Mark ‒ for two weeks. I’ll tell you more in Cracow.
Meanwhile, a cordial handshake