
Letter to Stefan Żółkiewski written in 30.12.1967

Prof. Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14                  c                   c                   c               Cracow, 30 December 1967


     c    Most Honoured Professor,

     c         c         c    I thank you kindly for graciously sending me your latest paper, and at the same time ask you to accept my best wishes for a Happy New Year 1968.

     c    Given this opportunity, I wish to inform you that I received a letter yesterday from the rector of the University of Vienna, Prof. Schwind, informing me that I’ve been awarded the so-called Herder-Preis [German: Herder Prize] for 1968, and inviting me to the presentation ceremony on 27/4/1968.

     c    I intend to accept this award, assuming that it won’t encounter any opposition from our side, considering that four Poles, most recently Witold Lutosławski, have received this award with no objections. The only question is whether I’ll be able to travel to Vienna to accept the award. This, of course, is related to the matter of obtaining a passport for this purpose (I have money in foreign currency from previous trips and, additionally, from book revenues through ZAIKS [Związek Autorów i Kompozytorów Scenicznych; Polish Society of Authors and Composers]). Well, in this connection I’m taking the liberty of asking you whether you, or the First Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences, would be willing to support my passport application for this purpose. Of course, I would like, with the money from the prize, to go abroad (after Vienna) for a few months (where, I don’t know yet, but perhaps to Switzerland) for academic work. Perhaps I’ll manage to finally finish the so-called Volume III of Spór [o istnienie świata; Controversy over the Existence of the World], i.e. On the causal relationship and causal structure of the world.

     c    The German edition of the book O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego [On the cognition of a literary work] has already gone to press (at Niemeyer [Ingarden’s German publisher]).

     c    In politely asking for a few gracious lines in reply, I enclose expressions of genuine esteem and cordial greetings