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Letter to Tadeusz Czeżowski written 27.09.1949


Cracow, 27/9/49


            Dear Tadeusz,

                        Thank you for the letter and for the summary of your article, which will be placed at the end of Volume XVIII. The article itself is in press and will come out in the 2nd issue of Volume XVIII (it was supposed to appear in Volume 3‒4[O1] , but there were some changes at the last minute). I think that within the next few days I’ll get the proofs, which I’ll send to you immediately along with a request to return them as quickly as possible.

            As for my article, of course, I agree to deleting the words in parentheses, which in your opinion contain some emotional colouration. It was only a bit of Attic salt in response to many different instances of acrimony and to Mr. Witwicki’s condescending tone. I regret that the editors did not notice the emotional colouration of many of the remarks of the reviewer, to whom the undersigned has shown only goodwill.

            Nota bene: I would like, at the end of the fourth point, to attach the following sentence: ‘The author agrees, however, that within the framework of the article it was not possible to analyse the process of expression in its special three-part structure more precisely and therefore it is possible to misinterpret his arguments on this subject.’

            I’d be very grateful to you for graciously sending me the proofs.

            I send you cordial greetings and best regards to your ladies.



[O1] issues 3 and 4 [?] over 3 to 4 issues [?] over 3 to 4 volumes [?]