Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 09.07.1951
R. Ingarden v v v v Zakopane, 7/9/1951
Editor of the Department
of German Philosophy
The Office of the Editorial Committee of the Library
of the Classics of Philosophy
v v in Warsaw
v I have calculated the volume of the texts selected for translation from “Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz” par L. Couturat. It amounts to 28-29 author’s sheets of texts + approx. 2 sheets of the subject index combined with the glossary of terms. These are almost exclusively Latin texts, difficult to translate for both substantive and linguistic reasons. Therefore, I propose a remuneration of PLN 750 per author’s sheet (= 40,000 characters). Translator Danuta Gierulanka, PhD, Associate Professor of the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Dietla St. 99 apt.5) is to deliver 4 sheets per quarter starting October 1, 1951 (so the first period would end on December 31, 1951) and the deadline for the submission of the full translation would fall on August 31, 1953. I suggest that the author receive a monthly remuneration, in installments, with the initial one made on October 1, 1951. I kindly ask you to conclude a contract with Ms. Gierulanka, with whom I have already settled the entire matter verbally, in accordance with the aforementioned points.
prof. R. Ingarden