Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 23.12.1931
In Lviv, 23/12/1931
Most Honourable Professor!
First of all, please accept our most cordial thanks for sending your expressions of condolence upon the death of my mother. At the same time, please graciously extend our thanks to your wife. I was deeply moved by the cordiality of your words and very grateful for your remembrance of us at this difficult time.
My mother died as a result of pneumonia, which developed as the consequence of an apoplectic attack. From the outset, in view of her advanced age, the doctors held out no great hope for a cure. However, after 10 days had passed since the attack and there had been no fresh attack, and her paralysis had actually begun to recede, we began to hope that Mother could be saved. Meanwhile, pneumonia set in and within 24 hours brought about her end. At any rate, such is the way of things on earth, and it’s hard to contend with fate.
However unhappy the tone of this letter, please accept our best wishes for a ‘Merry Christmas’ and a happy New Year. May this New Year bring a lightening of these dark clouds gathering over Europe, so that the lives of everyone might be brighter. In particular, I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
I enclose expressions of profound esteem and true respect, and ask you as well to extend our best regards to your wife
Roman Ingarden