Letter to the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences written 17.03.1954
Prof. Roman Ingarden c c c Krakow, 3/17/1954
former editor
of PAAS Philosophical Quarterly
The Polish Academy of Arts and Science
c c c in KRAKOW
c I attach herewith the following journals published in the year 1953 in exchange for copies of Philosophical Quarterly, which can be sent either to my private address or to the PAAS:
1. Dialectica, vol. VII, No. 3 and 4
c VII, No. 1 and 2 c c in total 4
2. Les Etudes Philosophiques, vol. VII, No. 3 and c 4
c c vol. VIII, No. 1 and 2 c 4
3. The Journal of Aesthetics, vol. XI, No. 2,3,4 c 3
4. Revue Internationale de Philosophie
c c No. 21, 22, 23/24 and 25 c 4
5. The Revue of Metaphysies vol. VI, No. 2, 3 and 4 c 3
6. Rivista critica di Storia della Filosofia
c c vol. VII, No. 1 – 6
c c vol VIII, No. 1 – 6 c 12
7. Theoria vol. XVIII, No. 3
c vol. XIX, No. 1 – 2 c c 2
c c In total 32.
Please confirm receipt on the attached copy.
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences /prof. Roman Ingarden/
Krakow, Sławkowska St. 17