Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 08.12.1966
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14.
Cracow, 8 December 1966
Dear Władysław,
I was at the meeting of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw on Monday, expecting to see you there. Meanwhile, you were not there, and overall there were unusually few members of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the meeting. I deeply regret this. Right away at the station I’d bought a return ticket to Cracow, and then it turned out that I had very little time. Besides, the weather was terrible, the trams stood for hours, and my leg hurt and I couldn’t walk much. I deeply regret this, because I thought that we’d meet. I also wanted to take the opportunity to find out where the matter of Wójcikowna’s [Ms Wójcik’s] paper stands, as she calls me every couple of days to learn about her fate. It’s also important to me to clarify whether you regard this paper as a possibility. As of yet Morawski hasn’t said anything either. Upon returning he wrote a card saying that he was sick, and that was it. I’d be very grateful to you, then, for a few words regarding this matter.
It’s not out of the question that I’ll show up in Warsaw on Monday for the meeting of the Art History Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, but my last stay in Warsaw with its disastrous transport-related effects has discouraged me from making these trips to Warsaw; thus I don’t know whether I’ll get there.
Cordial greetings
Your Roman