Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 15.10.1962
Cracow, 15/10/1962
Dear Władysław,
on the basis of the agreement with our Dean, I’m asking you to be so good as to attend (immediately following Gałecki’s habilitation, i.e. 23/10 at 12 noon), as a member of the commission, Ms J. Makota’s doctoral rigorosum. I’m assuming that this date will suit you. Ms. Łobaczewska has accepted it.
On Saturday, Ms Wierzbiańska, evidently a student of yours from before the war, was here to see me. At one point she suggested [O1] that I should undertake the role of promoter of her doctoral dissertation. I know nothing about her and I don’t know if that is intentional. She’s supposed to visit me again tomorrow. I don’t really feel up to it, because I don’t know a) what she knows about philosophy, including mainly to what extent she herself is capable of philosophising, and secondly, whether we’d be able to find a common language.
I’m glad that we’ll see each other soon and expect we’ll decide the matter of the General Assembly of the Aesthetic Section then.
I send cordial greetings along with best regards to your wife
Apparently Dr Morawski is already in Warsaw. Maybe he could tell us about his American impressions at the General Assembly of the Aesthetic Section, i.e. about what he learned from the aesthetics of the USA.
[O1]Oryg: proponował (he suggested)