Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 20.11.1952
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 20/11/52
Dear Władysław!
I learned today at the Rectorate that the paper that came from Cracow, and which I mentioned to you before your trip, includes only the elimination (as of 1/12/52) of the chair of philosophy in U.J. [Jagiellonian University] ‘in connection with the transfer of Prof. I. to Warsaw’.
In connection with this, I have another request for you (if, of course, you’re able to do this for me): namely, I’d be very grateful if you’d be so gracious as to seek out, in the Dean’s Office of U.W. [University of Warsaw], the language in which the matter of this transfer to Warsaw is ultimately presented. Has any paper concerning this matter found its way there, does it concern the Philosophical Institute, and if so in what way. Or maybe you’ll learn something about this matter via the grapevine. I’d be very obliged to you for sending me a few lines about it. If, however, it would cause you any problems, just kindly let me know that you can’t do it.
[From] the Editorial Committee, I received two letters, one announcing the meeting at 324/11 of this month[O1] , the second cancelling this meeting, i.e. postponing it for a week, but not giving an exact date, only announcing that it would be sent. So I still don’t know when I’m coming to Warsaw.
Prof. Szuman changed the title of his lecture, but accepted the date proposed to him. Ms Gołaszewska’s lecture will probably take place on the 15th only, because that would be the day[O2] Prof. Kleiner could come. I’ll most probably withdraw my lecture, because I don’t have time to finish it. In any case, we’ll talk about it when I come to Warsaw. For now, I’m dealing with the matter of publicising Prof. Szuman’s lecture.
Anyway, nothing new with me.
I’m sending you cordial greetings and best regards to both of you
/signature/ Your Roman
[O1]??? (oryg. 324/XI b.m., może 24/XI b.r. [24/11 of this year]
[O2]W oryg.: dień a nie dzień