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Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 30.12.1960

Rkp 1529


Dear Władysław,

                You once mentioned that you might be able to come to Cracow with a lecture for the Crac. Philosophical Soc. Well, we intend to do the General Assembly on 14 January and we’d be [O1] very happy if you could give a lecture at this meeting on a subject that would suit you. We’d need your lecture to be held during the General Assembly itself. We’re bound to the date, due to the requirements of the Main Board. If, however, this date doesn’t suit you, we’d be grateful for a lecture on any other date with eight days’ notice.

                Ms Łobaczewska is still bedridden and her condition is still unclear. I asked her secretary about the state of her article, but she knew nothing about it. Apparently, then, Ms Łobaczewska didn’t shorten her article before the accident. It’ll probably be necessary to postpone publication of this article to the next volume. I’m very concerned about this fact, because I sponsored the article. The opposition came from an unexpected party: from Mr Morawski, and probably from Ms Lissa. Too bad.

                I attach cordial wishes for a Happy New Year for both of you along with best greetings

                                                                                            /signature/ Your Roman

Cracow, 30/12/1960



[O1]Oryg.: were (cieszyliśmy się zamiast cieszylibyśmy się)