Postcard from Bogdan Suchodolski written in 20.12.1944
20/12/44 v Dear Roman, thank you for your card, and I’m glad that it’s possible to live and work in Pieskowa Skała. Certainly it’s better than in your former residence. Nobody knows, though, when and in what form the war will reach us here where we are. I’d written the letter that got lost as soon as I got your card from Pieskowa Skała; it was in July – it probably didn’t get there due to the earlier evacuation of the Warsaw post office. At the time, I wrote to you that I’d gladly accept those chapters of Poetics which you’d offered, and asked whether you might not fancy undertaking the translation of some philosophical thing – now none of it’s current; I no longer have the financial means, which were lost – buried in the ruins of Warsaw. You piqued my curiosity with the news of your intentions regarding me. I have plenty of things underway, but none is ready, because the constant lack of books hinders and interrupts the work. What is more, the needs of life often send them along unexpected tracks. My colleagues from Warsaw are scattered, but – where philosophy is concerned – they’re all alive. Batowski died; Tresiak’s fate is unknown. Łukasiewicz and Kotarbiński are somewhere in the countryside in the Ostrów district. I was happy to hear about Kieszkowski. I didn’t understand what’s happening with your youngest son. Our colleagues in Lviv all seem to have remained there. I know you don’t like ‘popular’ writing for wider circles, but maybe this has changed for you? Might something about today’s world view and attitudes towards life attract you? Please respond to me on this.
Cordial hugs BS
Piaseczno near Warsaw
v Sienkiewicza 9
Mr Roman Ingarden
Sułoszowa post office, Cracow 2
v Pieskowa Skała – Children’s Home R. G. O. [Rady Głównej Opiekuńczej; Central Welfare Council]