Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 18.07.1920
July 18, 20, Freiburg
Dear Doctor,
I just received your letter. The manuscript of the Bergson paper also arrived recently. I have not yet had the opportunity to review it. I do not know yet how we will process the paper editorially. Most likely, Heidegger will edit it. Currently, there is really a lot of work. We have formed a phenomenological group that leaves even the best times in G[öttingen] behind. And what devoted work; what eagerness! Here is my address where you can reach me from the beginning of early August: St. Märgen b/Freiburg i.B., c/o Miss Schlegel. Get some good rest and write us more about how you are doing. You can rest assured of my warm, unchanged friendship and support. Help build a cultural world.
Your old Prof. Dr. E. Husserl, who counts on you
Freiburg i.B., Lorettostr. 40
Please give my regards to Mr. Rosenblum. How is he doing? The Yearbook is in print.