Postcard from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 13.11.1968
Wrocław, 13 November 1968.
Dear Roman! Once again, I want to thank you and your son for our trip to Cracow, which I bore very well. Tonia left for Toruń on Monday morning; that same evening she was supposed to begin her lessons in a French language course she was to teach there. I feel well, although I’m still quite weak, but I’m hoping I’ll regain my strength here under my sister’s diligent medical care.
Cordial regards to both of you and to your son and his family
Your Tad
The Most Honourable
Prof. Dr Roman Ingarden
ul. Biskupia 14 apt. 15
Tadeusz Czeżowski
Wybrz. Wyspiańskiego 32/4