Answear on a grant written 16.03.1934
Lviv, 16 March 1934
L: 4713 ex 1933/34.
Prof. Dr Roman Ingarden
through the Dean’s Office of the
Department of Humanities.
b The Rectorate cannot consider your request for a grant, according to art. 11 of the Act of 9 October 1923 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland no. 116, item 924), of a V group salary as of 1 November 1933 or as of 1 December 1933, since despite the October date of the decision of the President of the Republic nominating you as associate professor of the University, the appointment decree of the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education No. BP- 17667/33 of 23 November 1933 was received here on 9 December 1933, and you took the oath on 12 December of last year. Therefore, your release from your previous duties as a middle school teacher was not effective until December of last year, and you have the right to a salary corresponding to the new service position as of 1 January of this year. The fact that you conducted lectures at the University as of 1 October 1933 entrusted to you in previous years as commissioned lectures can have no influence on granting you a higher official salary.
b You have the right to appeal to the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education regarding this decision within 14 days, reckoning from the day following the day of delivery.
b From the Rectorate of Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv.–
Acting Rector.