
Letter from Jan Patočka written 26.10.1965

26 October 1965

Dear Professor,
n      We were very saddened to hear that your health is preventing you from visiting Prague this autumn. Personally speaking, at least it will allow me to see you in Prague and hear you in person, which would not otherwise have been the case, because I am going to be in Mainz. Another thing is that we will be able to improve the organisation of your trip over in the spring, so that it works out better for you as well.
n      I have taken the liberty of giving a copy of my book on Aristotle and other problems from the history of philosophy to Professor [Hana] Jechová, who will be visiting you soon. We are attempting to find suitable Czech expressions for phenomenological concepts together, which is not always easy.
n      Mainz is now the last bastion of transcendental phenomenology expounded there by [Eugen] Fink. I personally am supposed to be giving a lecture on the problems of the theory of knowledge.
n      I am very much indebted to you for letting me know that I could give a lecture when I come to Poland, which I am planning for May 1966. I would agree what the lecture would be about in consultation with you at a later stage.
n      Please send my regards to your entire family, in particular your lady wife, and I hope that your health takes a turn for the better,

Yours devotedly,


Jan Patočka

Hošťálkova 103
Prague 6 – Břevnov