
Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 20.12.1957


Toruń, 20 December 1957.


            Dear Roman!

            Thank you for your letter of the 12th of this month. I was sincerely delighted by the publication of Volume I of your Studies in Aesthetics and the announcement of Volume II (there’s a note about it in today’s Tygodnik Powszechny [Catholic Weekly]) ‒ I believe the book will soon appear in Toruń’s bookshops as well. Please arrange a review copy for Philosophical Movement. Best wishes for the projected continued publication of your collected Philosophical Works!

            In accordance with your wishes, I’ll undertake the editing of the Commemorative Book for Polish Scientific Publishers, even though I’ll be really overloaded with publishing work for some time to come (Philosophical Movement, one book for the Society of Arts and Sciences in Toruń, another for Ossolineum, the philosophical section in the Iskry Biographical Dictionary, the section on logic in the Common Knowledge pedagogical Lexical Handbook). Nevertheless, I want to do it out of sincere affection for Tatarkiewicz, the more so since I feel remorse because I went on to include the article I had offered for the book ‒ not knowing when it would be ready ‒ in a book of papers that’s currently being printed at the Toruń Society of Arts and Sciences, since I needed it there for the sake of the whole; thus I’ll have to replace it with another one, which is already half prepared. Therefore I think that it is first necessary to correspond with PSP, and only when they have definitively agreed to publish the book and to accept me as editor will I be able to get involved in this activity. In the meantime, the rest of you will be able to prepare a typed manuscript there in Cracow to hand over to the guest of honour; I’ll very willingly contribute to covering the cost.

            Our lectures and philosophical seminars are taking place as usual; we have seven registered students and several volunteers; overall, they’re on a satisfactory level and interested in the studies. It would be worth discussing the issues involved in these studies someday, especially about how to reconcile them with ancillary subject matter, which is a major burden.

                                                                   My wife and I send our best holiday

                                                                   and New Year’s wishes for your entire family,

                                                                   along with cordial greetings
