Letter to Stefan Żółkiewski written in 07.05.1964
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14 c c Cracow, 7 May 1964
Prof. Dr Stefan Żółkiewski
Academic Secretary, First Department, Polish Academy of Sciences
Most Honoured Professor,
I’ve received an invitation from the University of Vienna for four lectures and an evening of discussion (partly at the Institute of Slavic Studies and partly at the Institute of Philosophy) for the second half of October and first half of November. I enclose (a copy of) this invitation. I’ve already showed them to the Office of Foreign Co-Operation. At the same time, within the last few days I received an invitation from an institution called ‘Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’ [German: Academic Foundation of the German People] to participate in an academic week, 18–24 October, at the Schwöbber castle on the Weser. I enclose a copy of this invitation and take the liberty of asking whether the Polish Academy of Sciences would agree to my participation in this week. I emphasise that I don’t know this institution at all and I don’t know whether this invitation should be accepted. For the time being I’m replying politely, stipulating that the Polish Academy of Sciences must agree to my trip and that I can take part only if the entire event is of a strictly academic character. This invitation testifies only to my influence in terms of aesthetics abroad, but I’m not counting on taking part at all, especially since I’ll have to be in Amsterdam first and then, at the end of October, to go to Vienna. Nor do I know whether my health will permit me, because lately I’ve had rather acute arthritis (both hands are swollen and painful) and I feel quite poorly.
c In any case, I’d like to go to Amsterdam. An appropriate application for a passport was submitted to the Office of Foreign Scientific Co-Operation of the Polish Academy of Sciences, apart from which I instructed myself to bring part of the fee for Das literarische Kunstwerk [The Literary Work of Art], and applied to the NBP [Narodowy Bank Polski; National Bank of Poland] for permission to spend this sum on a trip to Amsterdam (I want to travel by auto with my son Janusz). As of now, I’ve received a letter instructing me to submit my contract with Niemeyer [Ingarden’s German publisher] to them. I sent a copy of the 1929 contract covering the first and all subsequent editions, but I fear that this is rather a declaration that they’ll refuse me and that nothing will come of my trip to Amsterdam. I don’t know whether this would be possible for you, but if so, I’d be very grateful for your gracious support in the Foreign Department of the NBP in Warsaw (it’s a question of 800 DM [Deutsch Marken, or German marks], currently in PKO [Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności; Universal Savings Bank] in Warsaw).
c I apologise for all the troubles my travels cause you, but without your gracious help I’d probably never go anywhere, even though this is necessary for my continued education.
c c I enclose expressions of profound esteem and cordial greetings
Roman Ingarden
(Roman Ingarden)
The two trips, to Schwöbber and Vienna, could be combined
This wouldn’t cost the Polish Academy of Sciences anything but a XXX passport!