
Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 29.11.1951

Editorial Committee of the LCP                  c                                        Krakow, 11/29/1951
German philosophy
 c     L 67/51


The Office of the Editorial Committee of the LCP
Warsaw, Nowy Świat St. 35.

I would like to thank you for the last letter from 11/12/1951, as well as for quickly settling the talks with Gałecki, PhD, and simultaneously report that yesterday I received a letter from I. Dąbska, PhD wherein she expresses her wish for me to be the “editor” of her translation of Leibniz’s Nouveaux Essais, including 144 pp. of translation plus an index and a glossary of terms.
Since I am not aware of who decides the appointment of editors to particular translations /whether it would be me or […] the Office of the Committee/ I am kindly asking you to officially explain this matter, or to entrust me with the function of editor of the said translation, secondly, to clarify whether it will require concluding a separate contract between me and the Committee, and thirdly, to let me know what the conditions for this type of work are. Finally, I would like to know what kind of deadline I may expect for the delivery of the reports on the review of Ms. Dąmbska’s translation.
As for other matters raised by the Office of the Editorial Committee of the LCP in the last letter, I expect to clarify them during my stay in Warsaw at the Committee meeting on 12/5. However, I kindly ask you to notify me whether the meeting will take place as planned meeting and, secondly, if I shall prepare a report – as it was mentioned at the last meeting – on certain guidelines for the translation and the the difficulties that can be expected in its course/ in view of the need to provide translators with some data in this regard