
List of translators written 05.06.1951

Prof. Roman Ingarden                       c                                             c                       Krakow, 6/5/1951
Editor of the
German 17th and 18th centuries’
philosophy department



  1. Galeński Witold, PhD, assoc. prof. Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow, Manifestu Lipcowego 13
  2. Gierulanka Danuta, PhD, assoc. prof. Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow, Dietla Av. 99
  3. Leszczyński Jan, PhD, senior asst. prof. Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow, Pierackiego 14
  4. Makota Janina, M.A., Krakow
  5. Półtawski Andrzej, M.A., Krakow, Szpitalna 4
  6. Średzińska Janina, M.A., Krakow, Lenartowicza 11
  7. Suchorzewska Janina, assoc. prof. Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow, Manifestu Lipcowego 20
  8. Wojciechowska Wanda, M.A., Goczałkowice Zdrój, direct. of the dam reservoir.









Prof. Roman Ingarden                     c                                                     Kraków, 6/5/1951
Editor of the
German 17th and 18th centuries’
philosophy department




  1. Galeński Witold, PhD:

a/ De la Mettrie, L’Homme machine, reissue of Rudniński’s translation after introducing corrections / ready, prepared for PAAS /
b/ I. Kant, Kritik der praktischen Vernuft, reissue of Kierski’s translation after introducing corrections.


  1. Gierulanka Danuta, PhD:

a/ René Descartes, Entretien avec Burman, Manuscrit de Göttingen /Ch. Adam/ – translation
b/ G. W. Leibniz, Opuscules fragment inédit de Leibniz /L. Couturat/


  1. Jan Leszczyński, PhD:

a/ G. Berkeley, Treatise on the principles of human knowledge /new translations /
b/ G. Berkeley, Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonur / reissue of Sosnocka’s translation after introducing corrections /


  1. Roman Ingarden:

a/ Lessing, Laokoon, /new translation/
b/ I. Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft /new translation utilizing Chmielowski’s translation.


  1. Średzińska Irena, M.A.

a/ R. Descartes, Regulae ad directionem ingenii, reissue of Chmaj’s translation after introducing corrections
b/ Chr. Wolff, Ontology, new translation


  1. Suchorzewska Janina, PhD:

a/ I. Kant, Proleganomena ze einer jeden Metaphysik, reissue of Bornstein’s translation after introducing corrections


  1. Wojciechowska Wanda, M.A.:

a/ Condillac E. Traité de sensations /new translation/
b/ Condillac E. Logique, new translation


  1. Prof. Dąmbska Izydora, PhD:

a/ Leibniz, G.W. Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain /new translation/