Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 09.04.1927
April 9, 1927, Freiburg (postmark)
My dear Friend,
Your last letter brought special joy to me – not only was I glad to hear that you thought of my birthday; but above all, that I may finally expect to see you here. We will be waiting for you with open arms. Yes, there is an urgent need for you to experience what I have pondered and developed over so many years. Unfortunately, you were by my side during the worst years when I was not on top of my game. I hope to be able to provide you with important machine-generated copies and advise you personally. You will also share with me your thoughts. – So let’s look forward to the sharing of ideas. Then, you will understand why I write so scarcely. I simply cannot get more done. The more grateful I am for your letters and your loving loyalty.
Regarding Dr. M.,36 so far, I have not received a request to comment from the government or the university, and I cannot do anything until this happens. I think he will be readily accepted. Of course, I will welcome and support the gentlemen recommended to me by you and Professor Tw[ardowski]. Greetings to Dr. Blaustein. One more thing – you have to go to Marburg to meet Professor Heid[egger] to become acquainted with him, a grand and earnest man. I think N. Hartmann is a fake and Scheler is merely a witty inspirer, but not a real ph[enomenologist]. Short stays, if any, will suffice. You should wait with your decision until you are here.
Warm regards from my wife! How is your family doing?
Sincerely yours,
E. Husserl