Postcard from Malvine Husserl written 23.10.1935
Freiburg, i.Br., October 23, 35
Dear Mr. Ingarden, on behalf of my husband, I would like to thank you for the sending him your essay,78 which is of great interest to him, especially now, since he will be giving four lectures in mid-November in Prague at the invitation of the Cercle Philos[ophique] (Nature and Spirit – Natural [Sciences], Human[ities], Psychology, Phenomenology). It would be wonderful if you could attend the lectures, too! Would this be possible?79 It is really not that far, and life is too short. The first lecture will take place on November 14. Please think about it and be a hero who overcomes all obstacles, like St. George who conquered the dragon. Brünn and Ölmütz have also asked for a lecture, after reading in the newspapers about the events in Prague, but my h[usband] has not yet decided whether he will be accepting their invitations.
How are you doing? Well, you may know what is happening. We would have so much to talk about.
In the hope that you will come to P[rague], I will keep it short. Best regards from both of us to you and your d[ear] wife.
Your oldest female friend,
M[alvine] Husserl