Postcard from Stefan Morawski written 09.10.1966
n Dear and Honorable Professor,
n I am only now answering your letter from 7/19. Meanwhile, you got my postcard from Berkeley.
n I came back a week ago, but somewhat sick. It has been many years since I last got sick. It is probably from fatigue, or maybe it is the first signs of “old age”.
n I am worried that you also wrote about some physical ailments. But considering your program for this year’s fall, I am full of admiration for your energy. You both – Tatarkiewicz and you – are XXX younger than me.
n I will start working on Mr. Wójcik’s dissertation in two days. Graff’s work is lying on my desk. I do not know what and how to improve. If I end up accepting it, I will recommend you as a reviewer, with his consent.
n Vol. 3 of “Aesthetic Studies” will be out in two weeks. Volume 4 is already in print.
n Of course I was asked about you in Berkeley. Professors – specifically about you, students – about phenomenology; and I again about your aesthetics, which, as you know, I love-hate.
Cordial greetings
n SMorawski
St. Morawski