List of works written 04.11.1952
Roman Ingarden /philosopher /+
LIST OF WORKS, in chronological order ++
- Philosophical writings
- Review: E. Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen, 2nd edition, Philosophical Review, vol. XVIII, Warsaw 1915. pp. 305-311.
- O jasnym i niejasnym stylu filozoficznym (Eng. On clear and unclear philosophical style), Philosophical Movement, vol. V. pp. 45-48. Lviv, 1919.
- Dążenia fenomenologów (Eng. The aspirations of phenomenologists), Przegląd Filozoficzny, vol. XXII. pp. 118-156 and 315-351. Warsaw, 1919-20.
- Review: Jahrbuch f. Philosophie u. Phaenomenologische Forschung, Bd. III. – Philosophical movement, vol. V. pp. 181-184. Lviv, 1920.
- Ueber die Gefahr einer Petitio Principii in der Erkeenthistheorie, Jahrb. f. Philos. u. phaenom. Forschung, Bd. IV. pp. 545-568. Halle, 1921. / Subtitled: Ein Beitrag zur Prinzipienn frage der Erkenntnistheorie, Edmund Husserl zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet./. Also in independent print.
- Intuition und Intellekt bei Henri Bergson, Darstellung und Versuch einer Kritik, Jahrb, fi. Philos. u. phaenom. Forsch. Bd. V. pp. 285-461. Halle, 1922. Also in independent print, Subtitled: Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultat der Badischen Albert-Ludwig-Universität in Freiburg i. Br., Halle, 1921, pp. 1-177.
- O potrzebie tłumaczeń dzieł filozoficznych autorów obcych (Eng. On the need for translations of philosophical works of foreign authors), Nation, No.?, Page?, Warsaw 1921.
- Review: A. Reinach, Sesammelte Schriften, Halle 1921. Philosophical movement, vol. VI. pp. 116-117. Lviv, 1922.
- Max Scheler, Warsaw Review, vol. IV. No. 13. pp. 5-31 Warsaw, 1922.
- Spór o istotę filozofii (Eng. The dispute about the essence of philosophy), Warsaw Review, vol. IV. No. 14. pp. 161-172. Warsaw, 1922.
- W sprawie istoty doświadczenia wewnętrznego, (Eng. On the essence of internal experience), Philosophical Review, vol. XXV. pp. 512-534. Warsaw, 1922 /? /
- Review: Leon Chwistek, Wielość rzeczywistości (Eng. Plurality of Realities), Krakow, 1921 p. 96. – Philosophical Review, XXV. pp. 451-468. Warsaw 1922.
- Review: Wartości twórcze religijnej myśli polskiej (Eng. Creative values of Polish religious thought). Warsaw Review, No. 20. pp. 254-257. Warsaw, 1922.
- Comments on ” Krótka rozprawa…” (Eng. Short dissertation…), Philosophical Review, vol. XXVI. pages five. Warsaw 1923.
+ Not to be confused with Roman Ingarden / senior / engineer, hydraulic engineering / 1852-1926 /, or Roman Stanisław Ingarden, physicist prof. physics at the University of Wroclaw.
++ The order of actual release dates, not official publication dates.
R.INGARDEN, list of works.
- Review: A jubilee book to commemorate Kazimierz Twardowski’s twenty-fifth anniversary of didactic activity, published by the efforts of his students, Lviv 1921 / Philosophical Review, yearbook 23 /. – Warsaw Review, No. 30 pp. 370-383. Warsaw, 1923.
- Review: Leon Chwistek. Wielość rzeczywistości (Eng. Plurality of Realities). Krakow, 1921 issued with the suport of W.R. and O.P. p. 96. Philosophical Movement vol. VII. No. 7/8 pp. 99-101. Lviv, 1923.
- Review: Polish philosophical journals. Warsaw Review, No. 43 pp. 108-110 and No. 44 pp. 237-245. Warsaw, 1923.
- Essentiale Fragen, Ein Betrag zum Wesensproblem. Jahrbuch f. Philosophie u. Phaenom. Forschung, Bd. VII. pp. 125-304. Halle, 1925. Also in independent print, Halle. 925. p. 180.
- Pytania esencjalne (Eng. Essential questions), Reports of the Lviv Scientific Society,? p. Lviv, 1925 / total pages 16 / +
- The position of the theory of knowledge in the system of philosophical sciences, Report of the Toruń Junior High School in 1924/25. Toruń 1925, 10 pages.
- Ueber die Stellung cheese Erkenntnistheorie im System der Philosophie, Habilitationsvortrag, Halle 1925, 36 pages / the author’s German translation of item 20 /.
- Review: Zygmunt Masłakowski, Intuicjonizm Bergsona, Studjum krytyczne (Eng. Bergson’s intuitionism, Critical study). Cop. from Philosophical Quarterly. Warsaw 1924. – Philosophical Movement, vol. X. pp. 103-106. Lviv, 1927 /? /
- Max Scheler, Słowo Polskie (Eng. Polish Word) from 6/7/1928, Lviv 1928.
- Bemerkungen zum problem Idealismus-Realismus, Festschrift f. Edmund Husserl, Ergänzungsband zum Jahrbuch f. Philosphie und phaenomneologische Forschung, pp. 159-190. Halle, 1929. / also in independent print /.
- Czy i jak można wykazać obiektywność spostrzeżenia zewnętrznego (Eng. On whether and how objectivity of the external observation can be demonstrated), Commemorative Book of the 1st Polish Philosophical Congress in Lviv in 1923 / published as a volume of Philosophical Review in 1929 / 3 pages / summary of the lecture /.
- Max Scheler, /8/29/1874 – 5/19/1928 /, Philosophical Review, vol. Warsaw, 1929? / 9 pages /.
- Review: L. Blaustein, Husserlowska nauka o akcie, treści i przedmiocie przedstawienia (Eng. Husserl’s study of the act, content and object of representation. / published in German in Slavische Rundschau, date unknown)
- Review of the Blaustein’s work mentioned in item 27 in Polish
+ A Polish summary of the work “Essentiale Fragen” written and reviewed by K. Twardowski at a Lviv Scientific Society meeting in spring of 1924, released in 1925. The original work ” Pytania essencjalne” (Eng. Essential Questions) submitted in typescript for the purposes of habilitation proceedings at the Faculty of Philosophy of the J. C. University was not published in print, only its translation into German, written by the author, but differing in details from the Polish edition. In particular, the German text does not contain an “Appendix” dedicated to polemics with prof. T. Kotarbiński regarding ideal objects.
R.INGARDEN, List of papers
in Philosophical Review
- Psychofizjologiczna teoria poznania i jej krytyka (Eng. Psychophysiological theory of cognition and its critique), Jubilee Book of K. Szajnocha’s State Junior High School no.2 in Lviv, Lviv, 1930 / also in independent print, Lviv, 1930, 41 pages /.
- O klasyfikacji (Eng. On classification) / summary of a lecture for Polish Philosophical Society /, Philosophical Movement, vol. IX. p. 164. Lviv, 1925. -> insert as item 22, move the items below!
- Badania marburskie nad obrazami eidetycznymi (Eng. Marburg research on eidetic images) / summary of a lecture for Polish Philosophical Society /, Philosophical Movement, vol. XI. p. 164. Lviv, 1928/9.
- Idealizm transcendentalny E. Husserla (Eng. E. Husserl’s transcendental idealism), / summary of a lecture for Polish Philosophical Society /, Philosophical Movement, vol. XI. pp. 167-169. Lviv, 1928/9.
- Zagadnienia tkwiące w problemacie idealizmu i realizmu (Eng. Issues inherent in the problem of idealism and realism) / summary of a lecture for Polish Philosophical Society /, Philosophical Movement, vol. XI. pp. 168-169. Lviv, 1928/9.
- Das literarische Kunstwerk, Eine Untersuchung aus dem Grenzgebiet der Ontologie, Logik und Literaturwissenschaft, Halle 1931. XIV + 389 pages.
- Niektóre założenia idealizmu Berkeleya (Eng. Some assumptions of Berkeley’s idealism), Commemorative Book of the Polish Philosophical Society in Lviv, Lviv, 1931. / also in independent print, 44 pages /.
- Formy obcowania z dziełem literackim (Eng. Forms of communing with literary works), Literary News, No. 430, Warsaw 1933.
- Review: E. Husserl, Formale at tranchendentale Logik, Kantstudien, Bd. XXXVIII H. 1/2, pp. 206-209. Berlin, 1933.
- Review: W. Witwicki, Psychology ed. II. – Friend of the School, Poznan 1933
- Zagadnienia tożsamości dzieła muzycznego (Eng. Issues of identity of musical works), Philosophical Review, vol. XXXVI. pp. 320-362. Warsaw, 1933. / also in independent print /.
- O nazwach i słówkach funkcyjnych (Eng. On names and function words), / summary of a lecture for Polish Philosophical Society /, Philosophical Movement, vol. XII, pp. 204-206 /, Lviv 1930/31 / in reality this volume appeared in 1933 /.
- Verbum finitum and the sentence. / summary of a lecture a for Polish Philosophical Society from October 26, 1929 / Philosophical Movement, vol. XII, pp. 205-206 /, Lviv, 1930/31.
- XXX XXX XXX, Prague 1934. 7 pages.
- Edmund Husserl, Twórca fenomenologii (Eng. Creator of phenomenology), Literary News, No. 568, Warsaw, 1934.
- Niektóre sprawy sporne współczesnej psychologii (Eng. Some disputed issues of contemporary psychology), Marchołt, Vol. 1. No. 1. pp. 34-50, Warsaw, 1934.
INGARDEN, List of works. - “atulli mirohłady”. Literary News, No. 570, Warsaw, 1934.
- Vom formalen Aufbaude des individuellen Segenstandes, Studia Philosophica vol. I. pp. 29-106. Lviv, 1935 / also in independent print /.
- 7th philosophical congress in Prague. Pion, no. 70. Warsaw 1934.
- Człowiek i jego rzeczywistość (Eng. Human and their reality), Polish Week, No. 6. Lviv, 1934.
- Logistyczna próba nowego ukształtowania filozofii, (Eng. Logistic attempt at a new formulation of philosophy), Philosophical Review , vol. XXXVII, pp. 335-342. Warsaw, 1934.
- Monachomachji humanistycznej ciąg dalszy (Eng. Humanist Monachomachia Continued). Pion, year III, No. 30. Warsaw, 1935.
- L’essai logistique d’une refonte de la philosophie, Revue Philosophique, 60th Année, N-os 7/8, pp. 137-159. Paris 1935.
- Główne tendencje neopozytywizmu (Eng. Main tendencies of neopositivism), Marchołt, no. V. pp. 254-278. Warsaw, 1936.
- Poznanie. (Eng. Cognition.), World and life, vol. IV. No. 2. pp. 345-364. Lviv, 1936.
- Review: Vollhard, E. Zwischen Hegel und Nietzsche, Kant Studien, Bd XL. p. 325. Berlin 1936.
- Formy poznawania dzieła literackiego (Eng. Forms of cognition of literary works), Book of papers of the Scientific Congress of I. Krasicki, pp. 163-192. Lviv, 1936.
- Racjonalizm. (Eng. Rationalism.), World and life, vol. IV. pp. 507-515. Lviv, 1936.
- Kazimierz Twardowski, New Times, No. 42. Lviv, 1936.
- Teoria poznania (Eng. Theory of cognition), World and life, vol. IV. pp. 1073-1086.
- Analiza zdania warunkowego (Eng. Analysis of conditional sentence), Report of the Poznan Society of Friends of Learning. No. for the first quarter of 1936. pp. 17-27. Poznan, 1936.
- O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego (Eng. On cognition of literary works), Lviv, Ossolineum, 1937. VIII + 274 pages.
- Czy zadaniem filozofii jest synteza wyników nauk szczegółowych (Eng. Is a synthesis of the results of detailed sciences the task of philosophy) / summary of a lecture / Diary of the Third Polish Congress of Philosophy, pp. 352-355. Warsaw, 1937.
- Czy zadaniem filozofii jest synteza wyników nauk szczegółowych (Eng. Is a synthesis of the results of detailed sciences the task of philosophy), Philosophical Quarterly, vol. XIII. pp. 195-214. Krakow, 1937.
- Review: Grebe, W. Geist und Sache, Polish Science, volume XXII, pp. 333-336.
- Rectification / in response to an article by J. Krzyżanowski in New Book titled W poszukiwaniu teorii literatury (Eng. In search of theory of literature/ New Book y. IV. pp. 218-219. Warsaw, 1937.
- O niektórych twierdzeniach R. Odebrechta (Eng. On some statements of R. Odebrecht). Rectification. Marchołt. R.III. No. 3 p. Warsaw, 1937.
R.INGARDEN, List of works
- O tak zwanej prawdzie w literaturze (Eng. On the so-called truth in literature), Contemporary Review, No. 182 pp. 80-84 and No. 183, pp. 72-91. Warsaw, 1937.
- Rectification of some of Mr. Życzyński’s claims, Straightforwardly, No. Warsaw, 1937
- Wandlungen in der pholisophischen Atmosphaere in Polen, Slavische Rundschau, vol. IX. H. 4. pp. 224-233. Prague 1937.
- Der Mensch und die Zeit, Travaux du IX-e Congrès International de Philosophie / Congrès Descartes /, vol. VIII. 129-136. Paris, 1937. / also in independent print /
- O psychologii i psychologizmie w nauce o literaturze. (Eng. On psychology and psychologism in theory of literature) Pion, year V. No. 34. pp. 1-2. Warsaw, 1937.
- Excerpt from the work “Czas i człowiek” (Eng. Time and Man), Time, 12/24/1937, Warsaw.
- Das asthetische Erlebnis. II Congrès International d’Esthetique et de Science de l’Art. vol. 1. pp. 54-60. Paris, 1937.
- Sprawa formy i treści w dziele literackim (Eng. The issue of form and content in literary works), Literary Life, no. V. pp. 153-167. Warsaw, 1938. / also in independent print, Warsaw 1938, 15 pages./
- Review: Baley Stefan, Osobowość twórcza Żeromskiego (Eng. Żeromski’s creative personality), New Book, 1938, no. I. p. Warsaw, 1938.
- Mścisław Wartenberg, Dziennik Polski Daily, 4/23/1938, Lviv.
- Człowiek i czas (Eng. Man and time), Philosophical Review , vol. XLI. pp. 54-67. Warsaw, 1938.
- Das Form-Inhalt-Problem im literarische Kunstwerk, Helicon, Bd. I. H. 1-2. pp. 51-67. Amsterdam /? / 1938. / also in independent print /.
- Speech at Twardowski’s memorial service, Philosophical Movement, vol. XIV. pp. 11-12. Lviv, 1938.
- Review: A. Metzger, Phaenomenologie und Metaphysik, Philosophical Movement, vol. XIV. pp. 53-54. Lviv, 1938.
- Problematyka tożsamości przedmiotu indywidualnego (Eng. Issues of identity of individual objects / summary of a lecture for Polish Philosophical Society /, Philosophical Movement, vol. XIV. pp. 134-136. Lviv, 1938.
- Działalność naukowa Kazimierza Twardowskiego (Eng. Kazimierz Twardowski’s scientific activity) / in the publication: Kazimierz Twardowski, teacher, scholar, citizen / pp. 13-30. Lviv, 1938.
- Review: Kridl M. Wstęp do badań nad dziełem literackim (Eng. Introduction to research on literary works), Vilnius, 1936, Memoirs of Literary, vol. XXXV. pp. 265-271. Lviv, 1939.
- Review: Ż. Łempicki, Forma i norma (Eng. The form and the norm), Literary Daily, vol. XXXV. pp. 271-279. Lviv, 1939.
- Główne linie rozwoju poglądów filozoficznych Edmund Husserla (Eng. Main lines of development of Edmund Husserl’s philosophical views), Philosophical Review, pp. XLII, pp. 125-176. Warsaw, 1939.
- W sprawie „tzw. fenomenologizmu” (Eng. Regarding the so-called ‘phenomenologism’), Tygodnik Powszechny, No. Kraków, 1945.
R. INGARDEN, List of works - O dziele architektury (Eng. On architectural works), Science and art, y. II. No. 1, pp. 3-26 and No. 2, pp. 217-242. Warsaw-Kraków-Jelenia Góra 1946. / also in independent print /.
- Człowiek i czas (Eng. Man and time), Creativity, y. II. pp. 121-137. Krakow, 1946. / 2nd extended edition /. / also in independent print /.
- O budowie obrazu (Eng. On the structure of image), Sketch in the theory of art, P.A.L. Dissertations of the Faculty of Philosophy, vol. LXVII, No. 1. Krakow, 1946, 69 pages.
- Essencjalne zagadnienie formy i jej podstawowe pojęcia (Eng. The essential issue of form and its basic concepts). Philosophical Quarterly, vol. XIV books 2-4. pp. 101-164. PAU. Krakow, 1946. / also in independent print /.
- O różnych rozumieniach „prawdziwości” w dziele sztuki (Eng. On different understandings of “truthfulness” in a work of art.). Literary Issues. R.X. no. 1. pp. 12-19 and no. 2, pp. 36-43, Lodz, 1946.
- O budowie obrazu (Eng. On the structure of image). Reports on the activities and meetings of P.A.L., October 1945 / summary of the lecture /, Krakow.
- Spór o istnienie świata między realizmem a idealizmem (Eng. Controversy over the existence of the world between realism and idealism). Reports on the activities and meetings of P.A.L. Faculty of History and Philosophy. vol. XLVI. No. 7. 1945. / abstract /
- O poetyce (Eng. On poetics.) Reports on the activities and meetings of P.A.L. Faculty of Philology. vol. XLVI. No. 7. 1945, Krakow. /abstract/
- Controversy over the existence of the world, volume I. P.A.L. p. 297. Krakow, 1947.
- Z dziejów teorii dzieła literackiego (Eng. From the history of theory of literary works), part I. Comments on the margin of Aristotle’s “Poetics”. Reports on the activities and meetings of P.A.U. Faculty of Philology. March 1947. Krakow. /abstract/.
- Konstanty Michalski, scholar, philosopher, man. Tygodnik Powszechny, No. 127. Krakow, 1947.
- Sketches in philosophy of literature, vol. I. p. 203. Łódź, 1947.
- Quelques remarques sur le problème de la relatividè des valeurs. Actes du III Congrès des Sociétés de Philosophie de langue francaise, Bruxelles-Louvain 2-6 Septembre 1947. / abstract, 7 pages /.
- Le Temps, l ‘Espace et le Sentiment de réalité, Revue Internationale de Filmologie, I. No. 2. pp. 127-141. Paris, 1947.
- Quelques remarques sur la rélation de causalité. Studia Philosophica, vol. III. pp. 151-166. Krakow, 1948. / also in independent print /.
- The scientific activity of Kazimierz Twardowski. Studia Philosophica, vol. III. pp. 17-30. Krakow, 1948.
- O poznawaniu cudzych stanów psychicznych (Eng. On learning about others’ mental states), Psychological Quarterly, vol. XIII. pp. 1-28. Poznań, 1947. / also in independent print /.
- Problém formy a obsahu v literárnim díle. Block, year II. No. 1. pp. 4-7. Brno, 1947
R.INGARDEN, List of works
- Problém forma a obsahu v literárnim díle. Block, year II. No. 1. pp. 4-7. Brno, 1947
- Wspomnienie o prof. Zawirskim (Eng. A recollection of prof. Zawirski), Dziennik Polski Daily, Kraków, 5/2/1948.
- Rectification, Creativity V. p. 4. Krakow, 1948.
- Nékolik úvah o filmovém uméní, Blok, year III. No. 2. pp. 91-96. Brno, 1948.
- Les modes d ’existenceet le probléme ‘idealisme-réalisme’. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of philosophy / Amsterdam August 11-18 /. vol. I. pp. 347-350. / Fascicule I /. Amsterdam 1949. / also in independent print, Amsterdam 1948, 4 pages /
- Uwagi o względności wartości (Eng. Remarks on the relativity of values), Philosophical Review, XLIV, no. 1-3. pp. 82-94. Krakow, 1948.
- Z dziejów teorii dzieła literackiego (Eng. From the history of theory of literary works), Comments on the margin of Aristotle’s “Poetics”. Philosophical Quarterly, vol. XVII. pp. 133-172. Krakow, 1948 PAU. / also in independent print /.
- Critical remarks on the views of phonologists, Vol. I. From the history of theory of language in the 20th century. P.A.L. reports L948. pp. 124-129. Krakow, 1948.
- Zagadnienie przypadku (Eng. The issue of chance). PAAS reports, 1948, pp. 195-200. Krakow, 1948.
- Spór o istnienie przypadku (Eng. Dispute regarding the existence of chance), vol. II. P.A.L. Krakow, 1948, 648 pages.
- Critical remarks on the views of phonologists. Vol. II. P.A.L. reports 1948, pp. 219-224. Krakow, 1948.
- Ze studjów nad zagadnieniem formy i treści dzieła sztuki (Eng. From the study of the issue of form and content of a work of art), Philosophical Quarterly, vol. XLV. pp. 65-86, Kraków, 1949 / also in independent print /.
- Metodologiczny wstęp do teorii poznania (Eng. Methodological introduction to the theory of cognition) / summary of the lecture from 4/16/1948 /, Reports from the Wrocław Scientific Society for 1948, Wrocław 1949, pp. 242-244.
- O słowie jako składniku określonego języka (Eng. On word as a component of a specific language), P.A.L. reports vol. pp. 182-186. Krakow 1949.
- O sądzie warunkowym (Eng. On conditional judgment). Philosophical Quarterly, vol. XVIII. pp. 163-308. Krakow, 1949 / also in independent print /.
- O słowie jako składniku określonego języka (Eng. On word as a component of a specific language), Polish Language XXIX, 1949, pp. 231-32. Krakow, 1949.
- Des différentes conceptions de la verité dans l ‘oeuvre d’ art. Revue d ‘Esthetique, tome II. Fasc. 2. avril-juin 1949 pp. 162-180. Paris, 1950.
- O sądzie warunkowym (Eng. On conditional judgment), PAAS reports. vol. pp. 503-504. Krakow, 1950.
- Kritische Bemerkungen relating to E. Husserl Cartesianische Meditationen, published in E. Husserl, Gesammelte Schriften Bd.I. Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser Vortrage, Haag, 1950, pp. 203-218.A
vv - A Recollection of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Tygodnik Powszechny, No. 322, pp. 3-4. Krakow, 5/20/1951.
- O możliwości i o warunkach jej zachodzenia w świecie realnym (Eng. On the possibility and conditions of its occurrence in the real world), P.A.L. reports vol. LII. pp. 123-127. Krakow, 1951.
B. Works in the field of pedagogy and teaching theory. Others.
- Współpraca szkoły i społeczeństwa (Eng. Cooperation between school and society), four articles, Polish Word, Lviv, autumn 1925.
- O kropkę na i (Eng. About the dot above i). Literary News, Warsaw, 1932.
- . Zadania kulturalne inteligencji w dobie obecnej (Eng. The cultural tasks of intelligence in the present day). Literary and Musical News, Lviv, 1934.
- Lekceważenie pamięci (Eng. Disregarding memory), Museum, R. LIII. no. 1 pp. 8-18.
- Rola logiki w nauczaniu matematyki w szkole średniej (Eng. The role of logic in teaching mathematics in middle school). Museum, vol. LI. pp. 94-110. Lviv, 1936.
- O roli podręcznika w nauczaniu w szkole średniej (Eng. On the role of the textbook in middle school teaching), Museum, vol. LIV. pp. 69-96. Lviv, 1939.
C. Reviews and articles on R. Ingarden’s philosophical writings
I. Regarding “Intuition und Intellekt bei Henri Bergson”:
- Mind, XXXII, No. 127 /A.C. Ewing/
- Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1922, No. 44. /Schmalenbach/
- Hochland, Bd. XX. y. 2.
- The Hibbert Journal vol. XXI. October 1922 – July 1923 Professor G Dawes Hicks, Survey of recent Philosophical Literature, p. 182/83.
- Ueberweg-Oestterreich, Geschichte der Philosophie, Bd IV.
II. Regarding “Essentiale fragen”
- Mind, vol. XXXV. No. 138 april 1926 /A.C. Ewing/
- Philosophical Review, XXIX, pp. 113-118./Raczyńska/
- Kant Studien XXXI H. 2/3. /A.Pagel/.
- Mind, vol. XXXVI No. 143, July 1927. pp. 366-370 /G.Ryle/
III. Regarding “Das literarische Kunstwerk”
- Humanistic Review, 1930, no. IV/V. /L.Blaustein/
- Deutsche Literaturzeitung, 1931 H. 34 /from 8/23/1931 /H. Cysarz/.
- Zeitschrift f. Asthetik u. allg. Kunswissenschaft, Bd. XXV. H. 4. 1931, pp. 379-387. /H. Spiegelberg/.
- Revue Philosophique, 56 Année No. 9/10.p. 308 /Ch. Lalo/
- Mind, L932 Jan. Critical notices: Das literarische
R. INGARDEN, List of works
Kunstwerk. By Roman Ingarden, – P. Leon, pp. 97-106.
- Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, Jg. 10. H. 1. pp. 164-165 / Hermann Noack /. Halle, 1932
- Literary News No. 426, Z. Łempicki: Dzieło literackie, struktura i wygląd (Eng. Literary work, structure and look). Warsaw, 1932.
- Literary News No. 427, Z. Łempicki: Dzieło literackie. Moc i działanie. (Eng. A literary work. Power and influence). Warsaw, 1932.
- Mind, vol. XLI No. 162 p. 247. n / in the article by P. Leon titled J. Pfeiffer Das lyrische Gedicht als ästhetiches Gebilde.
- Polish Word, Lviv, 5/2/1932. Bolesław Lewicki, O autonomii estetycznej dzieła literackiego (Eng. On the aesthetic autonomy of literary works).
- Philosophical Quarterly vol. X, no. 1. pp. 46-76 Leon Chwistek, Tragedia werbalnej metafizyki (Eng. The tragedy of verbal metaphysics).
- Philosophiches Jahrbuch der Goerres-Gesellschaft, Bd. 45 H. 2. / H. Fels /.
- Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, Haarlem, Jahrgang 1932 Afl. 3. pp. 228-229./R.J. Kortmulder /
- Literary Diary, XXIX. No. 2. pp. 260-272, / M. Giergielewicz / Lviv, 1932
- Polish Archives of Psychology, vol. V. No. 2/3. pp. 346-349. / Blaustein /. Warsaw 1932.
- Egyetemes Philologiai Köslöny, 1921. p. 47.
- Blätter für Deutsche Philosophie, Bd. 7. H. 1/2. P. 157-158. / K. Hecker /, Berlin 1933.
- Recherches philosophiques, vol. II. pp. 480-486. Paris, 1933 / A, Kojewnikoff./.
- Philosophical Review, vol. XXXVI. no. 4. pp. 387-391. /T.J. Kroński /, Warsaw 1933.
- Kant-Studien, Bd. XXXIX, H, 2. pp. 224-225. / E. Kast /.
- The Philosophical Movement, vol. XIII. / Blaustein /, Lviv, 1938.
Others also raised in their works some views presented in “Das literarische Kunstwerk”, including the following authors,:
- U. Leo, Pirandello, Kunsttheorie und Maskensymbol, Deutsche [e] Vierteljahrschrift f. Literaturwissenschaft u. Geistesgeschichte, Bd. XI H. x.1.
- Grabowski Tadeusz, Próba syntezy nowej nauki o literaturze (Eng. An attempt to synthesize a new theory of literature), Przegląd Powszechny, No. 592 and 593.
- St. I. Witkiewicz, Fight between Chwistek and Ingarden. “Zet” No. 33 / from 8/1/1933 /
R.Ingarden, List of works
- Odebrecht R. Asthetik der Gegenwart / Philosophische Forschungberichte H. 15.
- Grabowski Tadeusz, Krytyka Literacka w Polsce w epoce realizmu i modernizmu, 1863-1933 (Eng. Literary Criticism in Poland in the era of realism and modernism, 1863-1933). Poznan, 1934.
- Irzykowski, K, Humanistic Monachomachia, Pion, 1935.
- L. Elbracht-Hülseweh, Jacob Bidermanns Belisarius, 1935
- René König, Das Kunstwerk als Quelle kunsttheoretische Einsichten, Zeitschrift f. Asthetik, Bd XXX. H. 1.
- Kridl Manfred, Wstęp do badań nad dziełem literackim (Eng. Introduction to research on literary works) Vilnius 1934 /? /
- Kreiči Karel, Der Kampf um neue Methode in der polnischen Literaturwissenschaft, Slavische Rundschau Bd.VIII. H. 3. Prag. 1934 /? /
- René Wellek, The theory of literary history / Travaux du cercle Linguistique de Prague, 6. /
- Ploetz, Das Weser der Dichtung, 1936, Berlin.
- Borowy, School of Critics. Contemporary Review, No. 181 /? /, Warsaw, 1937.
- Günther Müller, Die Seinswiese des literarischen Kunstwerks, Vierteljahrschrift f. Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft u. Geistesgeschichte, Halle, 1938 /? /
- Peterson Julius. Die Wissenschaft von der Dichtung, Bd. I. Berlin 1938 /? /.
- René Wellek and Austin Warren, Theory of Literature, New York 1942, 1947, 1949.
IV. Regarding “Ueber die Stellung der Erkenntnistheorie im System der Philosophie”:
- Annalen der Philosophie, Bd. V. H. 8.
- Philosophischer Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft
- Berichte über die gesamte Biologie, A II H. 7/8. /Adolf Meyer/
V. Regarding: “O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego” (Eng. On cognition of literary works)
- Cywiński St. Niezwykła książka Ingardena (Eng. An extraordinary book by Ingarden). Words, 7/6/1937, Vilnius.
- Des Loges Marian, Nowe podstawy nauki o literaturze (Eng. New foundations of literary science). Literary Lviv, No. 3. /? /
- Des Loges Marian, Ratings and reports, R.Ingarden “O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego” (Eng. On cognition of literary works). Literary Life, y. 1937, no. 1.
- Fryde Lubwik, Lekcja marzenia (Eng. A lesson in dreaming), Illustrated Weekly, 4/25/1937, Warsaw.
R. INGARDEN, List of works
- Kridl Manfred, Studies in Literature, Literary Yearbook for 1936 / released presumably in 1937 /.
- Krzemicka Irena, Dzieło literackie i formy jego poznawania (Eng. Literary works and forms of its cognition). Pion, No. 174, Warsaw 1937.
- Krzyżanowski J. poszukiwaniu teorii literatury (Eng. In search of literary theory), New Book, 1937, No. 2. Warsaw.
- Krejči Karel, Z nové literatury o metodice literárni védy, Slavia XV /1937-38/ no. 2. Praha, 1938.
- Krejči Karel, Nové slovanské prace o metodice literárni védy. Sbornik Matice Slovenskej, Čast tretia Literarna historia, Ročnik XV. 1937, čisło 4. Praha, 1937 /?/
- Łempicki Zygmunt, Perspektywa czasu w poezji (Eng. Perspective of time in poetry), Warsaw Post, 11/12/1936, Warsaw.
- Łempicki Zygmunt, R. Ingarden, “O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego” (Eng. On cognition of literary works) / review /, Literary Diary, XXXV, 1-4. pp. 279-287. Lviv, 1939
- Mágr, St. Zur Litaraturwissenschaft, Prager Presse from 5/4/1936, Praha. / concerns the paper “Forms of cognition of literary works” presented at the Krasicki Scientific Congress /
- Mágr, St. Von der Erkenntnis des literarischen Werkes, Prager Presse, 14 April 1937, Praha.
- Spytkowski J. Anatomia dzieła literackiego (Eng. Anatomy of a literary work), Gazeta Polska , 4/23/1937, Warsaw.
- Szuman Stefan, R R.Ingarden “O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego” (Eng. On cognition of literary works), Contemporary Review, 1937?
- Życzyński H. Nowinkarstwo w polonistyce (Eng. Innovativeness in Polish studies)., Straightforwardly, No. 27. 1937?, Warsaw.
VI. Regarding “Das Form-Inhalt-Problem im literarischen Kunstwerk”.
- Mágr, S. Form und Inhalt im Literaturwerk, Pragerpresse, March 10, 1938, Praha.
VII. Regarding “Czy zadaniem filozofii jest synteza wyników nauk szczegółowych” (Eng. Is a synthesis of the results of detailed sciences the task of philosophy)
- Die Philosophie und die Spezialwissenschaften. Prager Presse, 1937?
VIII. Regarding “Der Mesch und die Zeit”.
- Mágr, S. Der Mesch und die Zeit, Prager Presse, 10/19/1937.
IX. Regarding “Bemerkungen zum Problem Idealismus-Realismus”:
- Revue de metaphysique et de morale, Vol. 36. No. 3. Juillet-Septembre 1929 / excerpt from a review from Festschrift f. Edmund Husserl /.
R.Ingarden, List of works
- Regarding “Der logistische Versuch einer Neubergndüng der Philosophie” / lecture at an international congress in Prague /:
- Prager Presse, 9/8/1934, “Schlusstag des Kongresses”.
- Neue Züricher Zeitung, 9/13/1934, Philosophen aus Aller Welt in Prag. Zürich, 1934.
- Erkenntnis Vol.IV. No. 4. “Bericht über den 8 Internationalen Kongress für Philosophie in Prag …” / Kurt Grelling /.
- Slivische Rundschau, vol. VI. No. 6. “Der VIII Internationale Philosophen Kongress in Prag”.
- O. Kraus, Zur Philosophie der Gegenwart, Epilog zum Philosophenkongress in Prag, Praha 1934.
- Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Goerres-Gesellschaft, Bd. 47. H. 4. pp. 525-530.
- Revue de Sciences Philosophiques et theologiques, XXIII Année, Nro Novembre 1934 p. 591.
- Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 42 Année, Nr. I. Janvier 1935. J. Cavaillés, L ‘ecole de Vienne au Congrés de Prague. pp. 137-149.
- Knowledge and life, J. Hosiasson, Two philosophical congresses pp. 94-99, X. no. 1.
- Blätter f. Deutsche Philosphie, Bd. VIII, H. 6. J. Sauter, Der VII Intern. Philosphenkongress 1934.
+ The bibliography of papers regarding R. Ingarden’s works is not complete and only covers the pre-war period.
In Krakow, 11/2/1952.