Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 01.04.1925
Toruń, 1/4/1925.
Most Honourable Professor!
A while ago I received a letter from Mr Janelli concerning my position in Lviv. It turns out that both my news and predictions were consistent with the truth. However, I didn’t foresee the possibility that the Ministry would grant me relocation costs despite the fact that the position I’m to receive is not the result of a competition. Well, Dr Janelli writes that Mr Zagórowski has agreed, or pledged, that the ministry will grant me an ‘allowance for relocation costs’ when I move to Lviv. This news is in any case more favourable for me than I anticipated and I completely understand the ministry’s not wishing to grant me a position based on a competition, since – as Dr Janelli writes – there were candidates who had served longer than I had. Nobody, then, can be wronged by the fact that I have, in addition to teaching, still other obligations in Lviv. I consider this absolutely just. At most, I can complain about my bad luck. Naturally, this exonerates Mr Zagórowski from the accusation I levelled at him, i.e. that he took advantage of the circumstances to issue a decision that was unfavourable for me. The reason for this suspicion of mine, however, was my past experience (twice) of what was his animosity, at least, towards me ‒ experience supported by his very unpleasant way of speaking to me when three years ago I turned to him asking for a leave of absence to write my habilitation thesis.
The Ministry’s decision, taken together with the promise to grant me a relocation allowance, is unfavourable for me in that, first of all, it’ll still be necessary to ask, and when it’s necessary to ask, it’s not always certain that a favourable answer will be received, even when certain promises have been made in this regard. Once again: an ‘allowance’ does not mean reimbursement of the actual costs of relocation, and may amount to much less than these costs. But too bad! Nothing ventured, nothing gained; anyway, I have the impression that nothing more can be obtained and that, for what I’m getting, I have the benevolent support of the Board, that is, the result of your support, to thank. Perhaps because I have agreed to the conditions proposed by the Board. Nevertheless, I would gladly give up being a teacher, because it’s essentially very harmful to my health. These wishes, however, will likely remain wishes ‒ after all, what other position can I get?
I suppose that you’ve directly received the news I’ve given you above already, even though I’m hastening to send it, just in case, especially to emphasise that I make no claim to something I’m not entitled to; I was concerned only by the matter being formulated so as to potentially cast a shadow on my work in middle school to date.
Last Thursday, on 26/3 of this year, at the local Society of Sciences, I had a lecture entitled ‘On questions and their relevance’, summarising the results of the first chapter of my habilitation dissertation. It was well enough attended, and an interesting discussion emerged between myself and Dr Mianowski[O1] .
I enclose expressions of my profound and genuine esteem
Roman Ingarden
[O1]Może Teodor Mianowski (1880‒1932)