Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 26.05.1924
Toruń. 26/5/24.
Most Honourable Professor!
I’m sending summaries of the dissertations and articles that you indicated. I don’t think they’ll be too long. I’m very sorry they’re not typed. Two weeks ago I had to give back the typewriter I’d borrowed, and I couldn’t manage to borrow it to type the summaries. Accordingly, I tried to transcribe the material clearly; maybe it’ll be sufficient.
I’ve received a notification regarding the printing of my work in [Philosophical] Yearbook, and sincerely thank you for such a favourable settlement of this matter. I understood the notification to mean that I can publish my work in Yearbook without mentioning in the text that it had been submitted to the Scientific Society in Lviv. I thought about whether or not I should include this remark; however, I withheld it for fear of doing something foolish, since I didn’t have official permission for that. Therefore, on Saturday I sent the paper to Husserl accompanied only by a note that it could be printed at any time. If I misunderstood and it was my obligation to place an appropriate notation in the paper, I’d ask you to graciously inform me in this regard.
The following circumstance testifies to how pleasant the situation is here: at one point I was promised 4 weeks of leave prior to the colloquium, in order to prepare. Subsequently, that turned out, on account of the matura[O1] , to be impossible. I was promised, however, that as the date approached, I would be given leave once at the appropriate time and again after eight days. Because the written exam has already been given and the oral exam starts on 2/6, I asked the Board for leave this week. On Saturday the Board granted it to me, and I started today; however, just today I received a notification from the headmaster’s office that something had happened and that the headmaster wished to see me about the matter of the leave. Probably, then, once again nothing will come of it. How I’ll respond at the colloquium, I really don’t know. But I truly don’t have the strength to let all of this drag out and to live in this situation.
I’m sorry I’m telling you about my troubles, but I’m doing it as the result of a fresh impression, because just a moment ago I received the note from the headmaster.
I enclose expressions of profound esteem
Roman Ingarden
[O1]Podać notatek