Letter to Stefan Morawski written 25.05.1967
Professor Roman Ingarden
Krakow, Biskupia 14 n n n n n n n Krakow, May 25, 1967
n n Dear Mr. Stefan,
n n n n I am writing mainly because I noticed that the copy you gave me is not the original one, so I reckon it is not the only one you have, so I can keep it for a bit longer or even for a very long time. Secondly, I read quite a lot of it carefully, and looked through the rest. I get the impression that you are still not reading my text carefully enough, although perhaps the mistakes are not as glaring as they were in the past. But you still fail to notice various details and then introduce unfounded arguments against me. In addition, I do not think you included the chapter titled What I don’t know about values, where the overall structure of values has been delineated, which you have not introduced into the discussion at all. Finally, you did not read the rest of the article Betrachtungen zum Problem der Objektivität, (more than half of it) in which different concepts of objectivity are defined, completely different from those which colloquial understandings I used in the beginning, in the article “The system of aesthetically valuable qualities.”
n You then apply your, I think, notion of objectivity, which is not clearly specified in itself. The individual papers are not chapters, but simply wholes in and of themselves, written for presentation in conferences, and, consequently, they might not take into account the results contained in one another. For example, I clearly indicated in the text that in the article on the system of qualities the quality list does not take into account the difference between artistic values and aesthetically valuable qualities, simply because the listeners would have to remember one more distinction during a presentation, and you yourself know very well how primitive European or American aesthetics are. The slightest distinction makes gives them trouble.
I will not be going into detail here, but I think that it is fine, although not everything has been developed satisfactorily, but such is the purpose of publishing this book, to stimulate the reader for further development, to move the analyses forward. I think that it might be advisable for you to postpone it until I can write to you in detail. I do not have time for that now.
n In any case, I am glad that you put so much effort into it.
n Unfortunately, I have to prepare for the lecture on June 19I told you about and, moreover, I have to finish The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art for a German publisher.
n Cordial greetings and beautiful bows for your wife
(Roman Ingarden)