Letter to Stefan Żółkiewski written in 06.03.1966
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14 c c Cracow, 6 March 1966
Most Honoured Professor,
thank you kindly for your letter of the 1st of this month and for the information given to me therein regarding the invitation to the Internationales Forschungszentrum [German: International research centre] in Salzburg.
v Of course, I’m prepared to provide a paper for the International Linguistics Conference in Warsaw, regretting at the same time that probably I won’t be able to participate in it personally. But I’ll be able to deliver the paper only in June, since, before travelling to Yugoslavia, I still have to prepare a paper for the congress in Sarajevo, as well as an article for the Commemorative Book for Prof. Tatarkiewicz, etc. Unfortunately, at this moment I don’t know yet what topic I’m going to choose for the Warsaw Conference. In recent years, while working on the German edition of Spór [o istnienie świata; Controversy over the Existence of the World], I haven’t dealt with matters of language or semiotics. But perhaps I’ll find something.
v In closing, I send expressions of genuine esteem
v and cordial greetings
(Roman Ingarden)