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Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 14.05.1954

Prof. Roman Ingarden                     c                          c             c                      Krakow, 5/14/1954


      c The Committee of the Library of the Classics of Philosophy
             c       c       IN WARSAW, Krakowskie Przedmieście 79


Please find attached the galley proofs 221-250 of the revised version of Spinoza’s Ethics. I will be sending the rest, i.e. pt. V. in the upcoming few days.
Thank you very much for your letter from May 6 this year and for your intervention regarding the paper for the fair copy of Kant. Due to the fact that I must control the process of rewriting, so that I do not have to read the full text again, I thanked the PWN Publishers’ representative for their offer to rewrite it at PWN in Warsaw and decided to mechanically pull the corrections into the “white” copy, while only rewriting those pages that contain a larger number of corrections or translator’s comments.
      c       From the beginning of next week, I shall start carrying out this technical task, with someone capable of typing to help me. I expect that – in accordance with my talks in Warsaw – that person’s work will be remunerated from the funds of the Editorial Committee.
      c       I decided to extend the first volume of “Critique” to include all parts up until the end of Transcendental Analytics, so that volume II includes Dialectics and Methodology, an index and a terminological appendix. This way the first volume would contain about 45% of the complete contents of “Critique” and an “Introduction” /short/. /332 typescript pages + the added commentary, about 350 pages in total/. I will try to deliver these 350 pages by the end of this May.

 My deepest respect