Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 20.08.1920
20. VIII. 1920 [postmark]
Dear Friend,
Earlier this morning, your second manuscript arrived, and I just received your kind letter, about which I am delighted because it was once again written in a warmer, more unconventional tone. I will never view you differently than I did in Fr[eiburg], since you were such a pleasant colleague and I think you will always remain yourself and learn from the misery of these times and find reaffirmed what every sincere person learns and finds reaffirmed, that the hatred that poisoned this world can and must only be overcome by one power: Love. I will personally review your manuscript, but first, I will work on Miss Stein’s writing – a large book, approximately 20 printed pages. In addition, I am going to print Log[ical] I[nvestigations] VI and unfortunately, I must proofread it myself. And then there are many other projects. You have no idea how my workload has grown. But before I go, I am extremely delighted that Hering, who is the Sous Director at a theological protestant school in Paris, is here. There is so much to talk about between us and we are close, as before. Nothing separates us. I was very glad to hear that your delicate physical constitution is taken into account – you cannot and may not “serve” except in spirit and in the truth. The Yearbook IV is currently in print. Geiger finished his comprehensive work on the unconscious and modern psychology, comprised of nine pages. We began printing Pfänder’s “Logic”, which will consist of 20 pages, and we will be adding a short work by Hering (Eidos and Morphe). We will soon continue to print Yearbook VI (beginning in November). How are your parents doing? Please send our regards.
Warm regards,
E. Husserl
An old fellow-phenomenologist sends his warm regards and wishes you a blessed future.
J. Herring
I am sending kind regards, too. Here is our address in the countryside where we will be staying at least until October 1st.
Malvine Husserl
St. Märgen near Freiburg i. Baden