Postcard from Kazimierz Twardowski written 25.10.1921
In Lviv, 25/10/1921.
Honoured Doctor!
Before I manage to reply to your letters of 8/9 and 22/10 at length, I hasten to express my most cordial gratitude for the copy of your dissertation that you’ve offered me. I’ve promised myself a great deal of pleasure and benefit from reading it, and I know that I won’t be disappointed! I’m going to read the appropriate paragraphs of your letter to Kazik [Ajdukiewicz].
I haven’t yet sent the manuscript containing the copy of Bergson’s dissertation ‒ although the copy is ready, it still needs to be compared with the printed version. As soon as that’s taken care of, I’ll send the copy.
I thank you once again for the great pleasure your parcel gave me and enclose cordial regards and greetings
Dr K. Twardowski