Postcard from Malvine Husserl written 19.11.1930
Dear Mr. Ingarden, Your letter of yesterday was a great delight. The fact that you were able to finish your book so quickly speaks volumes as to your capabilities. My husband will soon write you personally. He is once again hard at work after having to overcome many interruptions: the humid, debilitating summer heat, but above all, a bad case of bronchitis at the end of September. We were in Chiavari at the Italian Riviera enjoying the most favorable weather and superior accommodations. My husband swam in the incredibly warm sea. However, we have no idea how he came to catch such a severe cold. He spent nearly 14 days in bed with a high fever and a terrible cough. I was very concerned about his health. Thank God his strong heart and willpower to live helped him recover. We extended our stay until November 3 and the splendid climate accelerated his recovery so much that my husband returned to F[reiburg] well-rested and ready to take on the world. You too were worried about your wife and child. Thank goodness it also went well, and you can now completely enjoy your great professional success.
Méditations Cartésiennes will be published soon; they were printed a while ago. Did you know that Koyré received an offer from Montpellier? Of course, he accepted.
My husband instructed Niemeyer to send you the latest Yearbook (it’s his second free copy). Best regards to you and your d[ear] wife from both of us.
Yours, M[alvine] Husserl