Letter from Malvine Husserl written 15.11.1936
Freiburg i.Br., 15.11.36
n My dear Mr. Ingarden,
n Did you know that we were seriously worried about you? Why didn’t you write for such a long time? Well, based on your letter, we now know that it was extremely difficult for you to find time and strength to write, so we hereby solemnly grant you absolution.
n Hering spent the weekend with us, and the open debate with him – as it is always with such loyal authentic people – felt like a mental liberation. The postcard we wrote together proved to you that we thought of you in unchanged friendship. Now, to answer your d[ear] letter and questions: First, regarding the Prague lectures: In the course of the subsequent preparation, it turned out that the paper was much larger than expected; hence, my husband reluctantly decided to have the first part printed in the first issue of “Philosophia.” He was reluctant because of the coherent train of thought. The paper comprises about four pages. Unfortunately, the publication is dealing with an unexpectedly long delay. The first correction was sent on September 30 and the second one has not yet arrived. Therefore, my husband followed up with the publisher twice. Finally, a few days ago, he received a letter from Liebert’s assistant which stated something to the effect that L[iebert] will be in Switzerland until November 23 for lectures; therefore, his correspondence has been interrupted. In addition, the typesetters were on strike and this caused an additional delay, but they are now working on it. Well, we are hoping for the best.
n Landgrebe recently wrote to us and conveyed pleasant news. He has been reading about phenom[enology] to seven eager listeners. In addition, the composition of the “Logical Studies” is well underway, and he hopes to finish it by spring. His proposed title is “The Predicative Judgment.” He has already produced a good deal of copies.
n Furthermore, Fink believes that the book on time is nearing completion. Let us hope for the best. Did you know that he got married?
n My husband would be doing quite well physically, if only he would not have to suffer from mental anguish. Despite all the determined bracketing of the world, there are many disturbing circumstances that slip into his mind. Nevertheless, he can look back at a year of greatest mental strain and productivity and continues to face new tasks.
n You must come back soon! Our future horizon is getting progressively smaller and suddenly it is completely gone. With the warmest regards from both of us to you and your dear wife,
your old friend,
M[alvine] Husserl