Postcard to Kazimierz Twardowski written 05.09.1934
Prague 5/9/34.
Most Honourable Professor!
I haven’t sent my Prague address yet, because I haven’t been sure whether I’ll stay in the hotel where I was installed. It’s very far from the site where the Congress[O1] is being held; as a result, I waste a lot of time walking or riding. So far my attempts to move elsewhere have failed, because everything’s either occupied or very expensive. It seems, then, that ultimately nothing will come of that. Since I did one set before leaving, the matter of proofs isn’t pressing; in any case, there wouldn’t be even enough time now to send them. ‒ The Congress is very tiring. As a result of a complete change in the programme, I won’t speak until Friday. My impressions so far are rather negative. I’m waiting now for a lecture by Przywara[O2] and Brunschwig[O3] .
I enclose expressions of profound esteem and respect
Roman Ingarden
[O1]8th International Congress of Philosophy
[O2]Erich Przywara (1889‒1972)
[O3][sic] Może być Léon Brunschvicg (1869‒1944) lub Egon Brunswik (1903‒55). Ponóc ten drugi uczestniczył w Kongresie w Pradze.